If you’re looking for a simpler and cheaper alternative to Photoshop, Acorn from Flying Meat was just updated to version 3.0, adding several powerful features while still keeping its overall ease of use and speed. The new dashkard for Acorn features all keyboard shortcuts for Acorn 3.0 and is now available through the dashkard widget‘s popup menu.
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Mac Applications
- 1Password
- Acorn
- Address Book
- Aperture
- Apple Mail
- Byword
- Chrome
- Consistency
- Evernote
- Finder
- Hibari
- iCal
- iPhoto
- Keynote
- Kiwi
- MindNode Pro
- nvALT
- Numbers
- OmniFocus
- Pages
- PCalc
- Pixelmator
- Preview
- QuickTime
- Reeder
- Safari
- Scrivener
- Sparrow
- TaskPaper
- Terminal
- The Hit List
- Things
- Transmit
- Tweetie
- Twitter for Mac
- Twitterrific
- Yojimbo
- Yorufukurou