Yesterday a once highly anticipated and then presumed abandoned app hit version 1.0 to the surprise of more or less everyone who had ever heard of the app before. The app in question is The Hit List (THL), a productivity app that competes against the likes of Things and OmniFocus.
I first tested THL over a year ago. I immediately liked the overall look and feel of the app and (big surprise here) the fact that it had very solid keyboard support. What kept me from switching to THL was that the app seemed to be in perpetual beta and the developer was making no promises as to when the final version would be released. Since I didn’t feel comfortable switching to an app whos future was uncertain, I stuck with OmniFocus. With yesterday’s release of The Hit List 1.0, though, this may change.
As mentioned, because of the very good support for keyboard shortcuts, I immediately began working on creating a dashkard for The Hit List. During this process I’ve gotten to know THL much better and will be giving it a serious try during the 15-day trial period.
As for those of you who already use THL on a regular basis, you’ll find the cheat sheet in the dashkards widget‘s popup menu.